Definitions | {T}, b, P Q, t T, E, A, s = t, {x:A| B(x)} , E(X), let x,y = A in B(x;y), t.1, x:A B(x), x:A. B(x), a:A fp B(a), strong-subtype(A;B), P  Q, ES, Type, AbsInterface(A), sys-antecedent(es;Sys), fifo-antecedent(es;Sys;f), input-forwarding{i:l}(es; Cmd; Sys; isupdate; In; f), chain-config(es;Sys;chain), chain-consistent(f;chain), , <a, b>, P  Q, x:A B(x), P & Q, P   Q, type List, left + right, e loc e' , if b then t else f fi , case b of inl(x) => s(x) | inr(y) => t(y), !Void(), False, x:A. B(x), did-forward(es; Sys; f; e), a < b, L1 L2, (x l), no_repeats(T;l), Id, hd(l), adjacent(T;L;x;y), f(a), , e  X, X(e), loc(e), p-conditional(f; g), Dec(P), b | a, a ~ b, a b, a <p b, a < b, A c B, x f y, x L. P(x), ( x L.P(x)), y is f*(x), r s, r < s, q-rel(r;x), Outcome, l_disjoint(T;l1;l2), (e <loc e'), (e < e'), e c e', e<e'.P(e), e e'.P(e), e<e'. P(e), e e'.P(e), e [e1,e2).P(e), e [e1,e2).P(e), e [e1,e2].P(e), e [e1,e2].P(e), e (e1,e2].P(e), , ||as||, -n, n+m, n - m, A B, , i j < k, {i..j }, l[i], #$n, Atom$n, Top, x:A.B(x), f(x)?z, Unit, ff, inr x , tt, inl x , True, T, SqStable(P), a =!x:T. Q(x), InvFuns(A;B;f;g), Inj(A;B;f), IsEqFun(T;eq), Refl(T;x,y.E(x;y)), Sym(T;x,y.E(x;y)), Trans(T;x,y.E(x;y)), AntiSym(T;x,y.R(x;y)), Connex(T;x,y.R(x;y)), CoPrime(a,b), Ident(T;op;id), Assoc(T;op), Comm(T;op), Inverse(T;op;id;inv), BiLinear(T;pl;tm), IsBilinear(A;B;C;+a;+b;+c;f), IsAction(A;x;e;S;f), Dist1op2opLR(A;1op;2op), fun_thru_1op(A;B;opa;opb;f), FunThru2op(A;B;opa;opb;f), Cancel(T;S;op), monot(T;x,y.R(x;y);f), IsMonoid(T;op;id), IsGroup(T;op;id;inv), IsMonHom{M1,M2}(f), a b, IsIntegDom(r), IsPrimeIdeal(R;P), f g, es-vartype(es; i; x), es-state(es; i), EqDecider(T), decl-state(ds), ma-state(ds), S T, suptype(S; T), i j , last(L), is-query(In;isupdate;e), es-interface-history(es; X; e), filter(P;l), should-forward(es; In; isupdate; f; a), prior(X), [], nth_tl(n;as), A List , [car / cdr], IdLnk, EOrderAxioms(E; pred?; info), EState(T), Knd,  x. t(x),  x,y. t(x;y), kindcase(k; a.f(a); l,t.g(l;t) ), Msg(M), , val-axiom(E;V;M;info;pred?;init;Trans;Choose;Send;val;time), e < e', constant_function(f;A;B), chain-replication-acks, loc(e), kind(e), SWellFounded(R(x;y)), pred!(e;e'), pred(e), first(e), x dom(f), |g|,  b, p =b q, i <z j, i z j, (i = j), x =a y, null(as), a < b, a < b, [d] , eq_atom$n(x;y), q_le(r;s), q_less(a;b), qeq(r;s), a = b, a = b, deq-member(eq;x;L), e = e', p   q, p  q, p  q |
Lemmas | le wf, eqtt to assert, iff transitivity, eqff to assert, assert of bnot, bnot wf, filter type, es-interface-conditional, subtype rel set, es-causle wf, loc wf, pred! wf, strongwellfounded wf, fifo-antecedent wf, rev implies wf, iff wf, constant function wf, qle wf, cless wf, val-axiom wf, rationals wf, Msg wf, kindcase wf, Knd wf, EState wf, EOrderAxioms wf, IdLnk wf, deq wf, event system wf, nth tl wf, should-forward wf, did-forward wf, es-prior-interface wf, input-forwarding wf, is-query wf, filter wf, es-interface-history wf, es-interface-val wf, chain-config wf, p-conditional wf, es-E-interface-conditional2, no repeats wf, l member wf, ifthenelse wf, es-interface-val wf2, hd wf, es-le wf, last wf, es-locl wf, sublist wf, chain-consistent wf, subtype rel function, sq stable from decidable, true wf, btrue wf, bfalse wf, unit wf, bool wf, false wf, not wf, sys-antecedent wf, es-E-interface-subtype rel, es-interface wf, es-interface-subtype rel, top wf, int seg wf, select wf, length wf1, es-loc wf, Id wf, adjacent wf, nat wf, decidable assert, es-is-interface wf, member wf, es-E wf, es-E-interface wf, subtype rel wf, assert wf |